Art Director & Design

As Art Director on the Marketing Team, I was the key creative leader in charge of the brand aesthetic of Maiden Home during my time there. I was responsible for generating exciting, innovative visual concepts across all disciplines: campaign development, photography, branding, web, print design, and motion. As the leader of the creative visual team, I was charged with upholding the highest standards of fresh, elegant work, all while encouraging and supporting the Marketing and Product teams with initiatives that evolved the Maiden Home brand.

My work established a formula for omnichannel marketing and visual direction for all branded touchpoints. In the time I was at Maiden Home, my work contributed to the tripling of both revenue and audience. This role required heavy cross-functional operations, hours of research each month to stay afloat of the furniture industry amidst a changing e-commerce world, and concise communication with all departments.

This role reported directly to the V.P. of Marketing and the CEO & Founder for all brand initiatives. I partnered closely with copywriters, designers and other departments across marketing, e-commerce, operations, and product development.


    • Worked closely with engineering and developing partners to design and launch digital sofa builder experience, gift card experience, and the shopping cart pre- and post-purchase

    • Created elegant, innovative concepts across a range of mediums including integrated campaigns, web design/digital, social media, traditional advertising and design

    • Evolved visual brand guidelines throughout all graphic assets and maintained the vast library of both lifestyle and product photography

    • Responsible for establishing all branded print touchpoints, the few physical experiences for direct-to-consumer customers to interact with the Maiden Home brand prior to point-of-purchase

    • Oversaw the establishment of web shop templates and advised UX/UI efforts for both storytelling pages and product display pages to increase revenue.

    • Worked in partnership with internal Growth Marketing and Copywriter partners to generate campaign concepts and define the art direction and artwork

    • Presented comprehensive vision for brand projects to executive team with calculated time estimates and prospective engagement return

    • Created all designed assets for 360º Campaigns with strong, concept-driven static, video, and experiential components

    • Art directed, planned and executed photo and video for e-commerce product and lifestyle shoots

    • Attended shoots to provide creative supervision and quality controls for third parties in the production process such as directors, photographers, stylists, and freelance resources

    • Oversaw and executed all creative from concept to pre-production through to final creative QC & asset delivery

    • Established templates for Design Services interior design offerings

    • Redesigned Maiden Home’s swatch kit experience with the user in mind, working to create a thoughtful and elegant experience and innovating to keep costs low.

    • Designed all physical assets of the gift card experience to seamlessly integrate with the web experience.

    • Created a brand new product dimensions template to accommodate product illustrations for customers

    • Managed a team of 3D artists and renderers for furniture renders and retouching of product display images

    • Heavily involved with quality assurance for all product imagery and photography - Oversaw and executed the retouching and pixel perfect quality of thousands of product display images


Key Projects